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sudden 60

60-Sekunden-Filme und mehr presented by Jörg Steinmann

open beamer WP8
14.10.05 - 22:00 Uhr


Zu einem Abend zwischen experimentellen Kurzfilmen, Daumenkino
und Performance sind Sie und Ihre Freunde herzlich eingeladen!

Sound-Installation an der Bar: noise me tender von Jörg Steinmann.
Jede Berührung der Bar wird elektrisch verstärkt. Die Bar wird zu
einem Geräusch-Instrument. Alle BesucherInnen sind herzlich ein-
geladen an der Bar Geräusche zu machen und Spaß zu haben.



1. Westbeth, a composition by Jeffrey Francis Kowalkowski (Version 2)
simultaneously performed with 60-second-films by the following directors:

first minute: 60” film by Brian Catling “the quasimodo” with scorepart: BIRDLIKE

second minute: 60” film by Jörg Steinmann “the goldfish” with scorepart:

third minute: 60” film by Interzone perceptible “FilmFilm mutating” (Remix by J.S.) with scorepart: CLICKS

fourth minute:60” film by Jörg Steinmann “Candy Eyes” with scorepart: WALKING

fifth minute: 60” film by Jevgenij Kondratiev “VOR WAND” with scorepart:

sixth minute: 60” film by Jörg Steinmann “The Curchbell Mistake 10.00 a.m.” with scorepart: SINES TONES

seventh minute: 60” film by Jörg Steinmann “Orange Zombie” with scorepart:

eigth minute: 60” film by Jörg Steinmann “submarine nightlights” with scorepart: CLICKS

ninth minute: 60” film by Jörg Steinmann “Fwd: Marclay”, Text Quotation Courtesy Christian Marclay, from: Groos/Müller “Make it Funky”, ISBN: 3-89611-054-3, with scorepart: CANTABILE.
Many thanks to Dr. Ulrike Groos and Christian Marclay for the great support.

tenth minute: 60” film by Heimo Wallner and Martin Zrost “Reciprocity” with scorepart: FLUTTERS

#11(=#10r) (r=reverse)
eleventh minute: 60” film by Heimo Wallner and Martin Zrost “Reciprocity reverse” with scorepart: FLUTTERS, reverse of the tenth minute

twelth minute: 60” film by Jörg Steinmann, “Fwd: Marclay again”, Text Quotation Courtesy Christian Marclay, from: Groos/Müller “Make it Funky”, ISBN: 3-89611-054-3, with scorepart: SCRAPES, reverse of the nineth minute.
Again many thanks to Dr. Ulrike Groos and Christian Marclay for the great support.

thirteenth minute: 60” film by Jevgenij Kondratiev “VOR WAND reverse” with
scorepart: SCRAPES WITH PICK, reverse of the eigth minute.

fourteenth minute: 60” film by Interzone perceptible “FilmFilm still mutating” (Remixed Remix by J.S.) with scorepart: WALKING, reverse of the seventh minute.

fifteenth minute: 60” film by Jörg Steinmann “Orange Zombie strikes again” with scorepart: SINE TONES, reverse of the sixth minute.

sixteenth minute: 60” film by Jörg Steinmann “the goldfish’s mother in law” with scorepart: SINE TONES, reverse of the fifth minute.

seventeenth minute: 60” film by Jörg Steinmann “Sticky Eyes”, with scorepart: WALKING, reverse of the fourth minute.

eighteenth minute: 60” film by Jörg Steinmann “The Churchbell Mistake 6.00 p.m.” with scorepart: CLICKS, reverse of the third minute.

nineteenth minute: 60” film by Jörg Steinmann “submarine daylight” with scorepart: CANTABILE, reverse of the second minute.

twentieth minute: 60” film by Brian Catling “the quasimodo reverse” with scorepart: BIRDLIKE, reverse of the first minute.

MONOLOGUE by Jörg Steinmann, 2004, 90 seconds

potty potty by Jörg Steinmann, 2004, 1:52 minutes

balls on traffic by Jörg Steinmann, 2005, 93 seconds

make a smile by Jörg Steinmann, 2005, 67 seconds

Austin Morgan by Jörg Steinmann, 2005, 73 seconds


lilke a dj by Jörg Steinmann, 2005, 1:45 minutes

at large by Jörg Steinmann, 2004/05, 7:33 minutes

9.parking looking by Jörg Steinmann, 2005, 2:00 minutes

sound your lift (HIGHLIGHTS) by Jörg Steinmann, 2004, 6:11 minutes documentation of a sound-performance in the elevators of the Filmmuseum Düsseldorf and Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf. Using the elevators the visitors could create their own sound-design. Many thanks to the Filmmuseum and Hetjens-Museum for the great support. Many thanks to the Kulturamt Düsseldorf for the kind and helpful advices.

Interzone perceptible plays 5-second-pieces, live at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, February 18, 2005
documentation by Jörg Steinmann, 2005, 11 minutes
“In the summer 2002, we had the idea of a project. It was the question, whether it was possible for a composer to express his musical identity convincingly within an extremely limited duration and with an additional instruction from us. All composers were set the task to write a piece of 5 seconds duration (maximum!) and “as cruel as possible, trash, hardcore, punk” for electrified accordion, electric bass and live electronics, with or without voice, composition, conceptional improvisation, performance, CD-playback.” (Interzone perceptible)

Westbeth, a composition by Jeffrey Francis Kowalkowski (Version 1)
live at the Van Abbemuseum, NL-Eindhoven, April 17, 2005
with 60-second-films by the following directors:

Brian Catling “the quasimodo”

Jörg Steinmann “Jeff”

Jörg Steinmann “Orange Zombie”

Jörg Steinmann “The Churchbell Mistake 10.00 a.m.” (Van Abbe Mix)

Jörg Steinmann “Cany Eyes”

Jevgenij Kondratiev “VOR WAND”

Jörg Steinmann “Jeff & Junior”

Jörg Steinmann “Evel Icons”

Kunsu Shim “Buddah’s face”

#10 Interzone perceptible “FilmFilm”

Interzone perceptible “FilmFilm”

Kunsu Shim “Buddah’s face” reverse

Jörg Steinmann “Evel Icons back”

Jörg Steinmann “Jeff & Junior” reverse

Jevgenij Kondratiev “VOR WAND” reverse

Jörg Steinmann “Sticky Eyes”

Jörg Steinmann “The Churchbell Mistake 6 p.m.” (Van Abbe Mix)

Jörg Steinmann “Orange Zombie strikes again”

Jörg Steinmann “Jeff again”

Brian Catling “the quasimodo” reverse

Jörg Steinmann “The Westbeth 1 Coda Remix”

noise me tender
by Jörg Steinmann: each touching of the bar
will be amplified. The bar becomes a noise-
instrument. All visitors are cordially invited
to meet at the bar making noise and having fun!

with the kind support of the Kulturamt Düsseldorf

Posted by: Jörg Steinmann on Sep 25, 05 | 8:33 pm | Profile