Concert mit Pondskater

live electronic

Sat - 19. Sep. 2009 - 21:00


Live Electronic

Es gilt folgende Versuchsanordnung: Bereiten sie elektronische Improvisationen auf kleiner Spielkonsole bei gleichbleibend mittlerer Temperatur. Was haben dabei die wirkliche einfachen Regeln des Spiels des Lebens mit der Erneuerung von Jazz zu tun? Welche Bedeutung haben Sinuswellen für fortgeschritten differenzierten Klang im Raum? Warum bekommt 12-Bit-Sound heutzutage wieder eine Chance? Und, muss Klaviermusik immer neoromantisch sein? Fragen, die Pondskater mit seinem aktuellen Live-Set erörtert. Empfehlenswert - nicht nur für Freunde von Oval und Conlon Nancarrow.

Danach legen Stefan Graph & Vander digitale Dateien und Vinyl in unsere Gehörgänge.
Eintritt: 3€
Bar: Romano

The heavens above Pondskater look like black licorice. In days like these, when coffee chains release compilations of techno music palatable to the masses, Pondskater explores less charted territory. He is repulsed by simplistic ‘be happy’ attitudes. He seeks the grand gesture, locates it, filters and pares it down without losing any of the urgency. Any tendency toward polemics is countered with even darker deepness. It almost appears as though no small smile flashes across his face as he produces his music, but those who know him better are aware that Pondskater is a friendly and occasionally rather funny companion. From his base in Düsseldorf, he has been trying to raise himself into the limelight after being swamped in rock-pop organ – except he doesn’t need any spotlight to do it.

His current production, “Foundations Of Balance”, prances and aches at the same time – most unusual for a first release. The tracks bear obscure titles, such as “Sketch 121” or “City of Lynchburg.” His music is unambiguous and takes no prisoners. Anyone seeking a simple snare backbeat is rewarded with the tone of evil bell peals.

The Eighties were and are a revolutionary decade for Pondskater. His affection for industrial, shoegazer, and sound experiments resound throughout his compositions. Polyrhythmic concretions tell the old story of structure – wordlessly. Pondskater needs no words. While he used to recite his poetry, he now inserts a hint of a handclap. Each note, each tone seems to create meaning only where he has placed it. “Foundations Of Balance” will clear the path of obstacles and provide every venue with what it deserves; and I, for my part, will continue to throw flowers onto the stage.

Zloty Vazquez, Hamburg, 15. Juli 2008